Two months in the books and we’re getting this family thing down. You had your two month visit at the doctors and you weighted 10lbs 10 ounces, doubling your birth rate and grew to 22 inches in length. Unfortunately you had to get four shots and Mom cried right along with you as your Dad held your arms and tried to distract you by talking to you so you would forget the nasty stuff going on with your legs. You were a champ, after a few minutes you settled down and fell fast asleep.
You took a nap when you got home and when you woke up it was obvious your little legs were hurting. When you weren’t crying you were whimpering, I put cold compresses on your legs and that seems to help, along with Tylenol, enough to get you back to sleep and we had a decent night.
You attended your first birthday party at Maddox’s house. Mostly you hung out in the Bjorn and watched the kids run around.
As far as sleeping you are down for about three hour increments at night like clockwork. I can work with that. This week we made the move from the bassinet to your crib. The transition was seamless; I’m getting ready for crib sleeping as you are going to day care in a few weeks.
You spent an evening with your Dad and brother without Mom last Friday. Let’s just say you did…uhm…ok. You gave your Dad a run for his money by crying most of the time I was gone. I went to a concert with Miss Nicole and you didn’t like it one bit. I always come back boy…I always come back.
You began talking (read cooing) a bit and you have a smile that lights up your face. I am really enjoying staying home with you; we have managed to stay busy with daily chores, errands and occasional visits with the girls down south. We were walking in the mornings but it was starting to get too hot and I began to worry about you overheating plus you started crying the last couple of times halfway through so I believe my suspicions of being to hot were true.
You love to watch and listen to your big brother and he MUST give you a hug and a kiss when he gets home from school and he always ask how your day was. He loves you very much and he can’t wait until he can play with you.
It’s going to be hard putting you in daycare in a few weeks while I’m preparing to return to work. Let’s just take it a day at a time and not dwell on our weekday days ending and make the most of our time together.
I love you very much!